Téléchargez  Change Icon   Cookies Manager   
Version  :  1.1
OS  :  Windows 9x/NT4/2000/XP
Internet Explorer 4 or upper
Files  : 
Télécharger Taskbar Activate (version anglaise) CookiesManagerE.zip (19 Ko)
Télécharger Active Tâche (version française) CookiesManagerF.zip (19 Ko)
Awards  : 
4 stars
quatre ducks / six
4/5 Dudes


  Versions' history


All those cookies stored on my hard drive began to make me sick...

Then, I have made Cookies Manager. Now, life is beautiful :-)

  FONCTIONS (version 1.0)

Cookies are small files on your hard drive. Web pages can recognise you when you come on them again. They have no utility for you and are there only to track you.

Some cookies however store settings of pages to see them as you want. So, certainly, you want to keep them.

Cookies Manager helps you to select which cookies you want to keep and which cookies you want to delete.


Launch Cookies Manager to select which cookies have to be removed.

Here is the 3 steps of Cookies Manager :


Image d'exemple 1

Firstable, Cookies Manager retrieves all cookies stored on your computer.


Image d'exemple 2

If unlisted cookies are found (or if you press SHIFT), this window appears.

Select cookies which you want to keep : put them in the left list with arrows button.
Select cookies which you want to delete: put them in the right list.

When you hit OK, settings are saved and selected cookies are deleted.

Remark : if no unlisted cookies are found, this window is not showed and cookies are directly removed.


Image d'exemple 3

Deleting cookies in progress...

v1.1 (11/2000)
        Many small enhancements to simplify use :
        Cookies not present are displayed grayed.
        New cookies are automatically selected at start.
        An help page to explain how to use CM.
        If no cookies have to be deleted, the "deleting cookies" window is
        no more displayed.
        It is possible to see the content of a cookie.
        List management is much more easy with new context menus.
        CC now controls that file associated to the cookie is really
        deleted with the cookie.
v1.0 (08/2000)
        - 1st public version.
        Delete unnecessary cookies automatically stored by  Internet Explorer.
For Internet Explorer 4 and 5. All Win32. Some system files may have to be upgraded to use it.
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